In the past two months the world has encountered a series of earthquakes of high magnitudes. With the devastating 7.0 earthquake hitting Haiti in January which took away more than 200,000 precious lives, the world saw three other earthquakes following in close succession. The 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Japan, the massive 8.8 earthquake near Chile on Saturday, and a 6.4 near Taiwan after that, all make us shudder. The Chile quake was so massive that NASA says it slightly tilted the earth's axis and shortened the day. Wow! What an impact! Moreover, the destruction caused by these quakes are simply mind boggling! The oodles of destruction with respect to lives and material destruction leaves the land hit by one, completely shattered. Geographical surveys state that several million earthquakes shake the earth every year. The only reason why these four earthquakes have been in the news so much is because the quakes hit highly populated regions of the world. As we see the destruction, death, pain and sorrow associated with earthquakes, it often makes us wonder why and how earthquakes happen? Read more on largest earthquake ever recorded.
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